About Us

End Time Revival dot tv is an official website page of ETHAMI, [End Time Harvest Ministries International]. In January 1999, the Lord gave me a vision concerning Israel, Jews, and Jerusalem incorporated with the Bride of Christ [both Jews, and Gentiles as the church of Jesus Christ].

ETHAMI is an apostolic, and a prophetic initiative of the registered Ayub Kariuki Theuri Ministries [AKTM] – a charitable organization based in Sydney, Australia with a mission and vision statements of:

  1. Winning souls.
  2. Equipping, discipleship, mentor-ship into ministries for those called.
  3. Ministerial covering for upcoming ministries.
  4. Partnership with churches, and individual believers in Christ to bring to maturity the body of Christ.

and much more as highlighted on AKTM document available upon request.