
  1. I am a Priest of the most High God

Introduction: I am a priest of the most High God, GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob- in the order of Melchizedek , Christ Jesus the Son of the Living GOD having become my High Priest under the new covenant with better promises. I am a priest over God’s people- first the Jews, Israel and Jerusalem and then the Gentiles.

I take my priestly role daily as directed daily by Christ Jesus my Savior, making mention of the twelve tribes of Israel daily as well as Gentiles as the Holy Spirit enables me; interceding for them all according to the will of God, in seasons and times we live in. And I take all their sins as though they are mine own and plead with the Father in heaven daily by the Holy Spirit , for mercy and I yield all these sins by faith to the Cross of Calvary where the ransom for sin was offered through Christ’s death once and for all.

No more sacrifice is required for atonement for sin except that which Christ offered on the cross once and for all. Only the Father’s mercy and will to draw souls to Jesus Christ to be born again into His family , for as the Scriptures say “No one comes to Jesus except the Father draws him/her”.

Moreover, how can they pray to whom they do not know? How can they intercede while in chains under bondage of the evil one? How can they pray while in captivity of powers of darkness?

It takes spiritual understanding of those born of God to embrace the heartbeat of the Father who desires all to be born again ; and plead with Him in prayers , all kinds of prayers and intercessions on behalf of the lost souls that the Father may have mercy upon them and turn their hardened hearts to Christ Jesus that they might be saved and be reconciled back to God.

Father in heaven, I know it grieves you to see the filthiness of sinful human race and that you desire all to be reconciled back to you through Jesus Christ your only begotten Son. Father, no more sacrifice is required for atonement for sin except that which Christ Jesus offered on the cross once and for all. I repent on behalf of the multitude, Jews and Gentiles, young and old, and unborn . I bring repentance to you Oh righteous Father for I am flesh as they are yet you have redeemed me to yourself. Father fulfill my joy by drawing them to Jesus Christ that they may be saved , Father as many as you have purposed , forgive, cleanse, wash away sins of humanity Oh Lord. Except be your mercies we would all perish in our iniquities. Oh Lord save today, lead many to Jesus Christ through this piece of work you have entrusted upon me. Amen.