Spiritually Awake?


We start this inspirational thought with a personal question, ask yourself….am I spiritually awake?

As we get along, and by the end of this inspiring message we will precisely respond to this question and work out what is required to continually remain spiritually awake till Jesus Christ comes back to rapture His Bride– His mysterious body- His mysterious church!

Guiding words:
– Awake you that is asleep, slumber
– slack, sluggish, lazy, idle, lost interest
– slow, dull, foolish, unwise, dull in hearing, without knowledge, without understanding, sitting on your talents
– poverty stricken, naked, unbelieving, faithless, lost without shepherd
– backsliding, lukewarm, cold, salt without taste,
– fleshly, carnal, earthy, worldly, spiritually blind and deaf
– you left first love, you are no longer in touch with God- you no longer talk to Him or about Him, dead conscience, insensitive, without Spirit.

Similarities of being spiritually awake:
-spiritually alert, victorious, stir up the gift in you
-prayerful, watchful, diligent, zealous,
-fervent in Spirit,
-full of God, wise, redeeming time.

Scripture references:
-the prodigal son Luke 15:11-32
-wise & foolish virgins Matthew 25

Prophetic declaration:
The Spirit of the Lord is saying to you, I know you, and your ways are always before me. You have fallen from your first love for me, and allowed vanities to occupy you and this has made you naked spiritually. You have no time for God’s word and fellowship any more. You lost the sensitivity towards your Creator, you no longer pray to Him the way you did. You no longer love the gospel and the scriptures the way you did. Your faith and love have grown cold and have fallen away from my presence. Yet there is hope in Christ, for you will be revived and awakened spiritually from your deep slumber. I desire that you be awake spiritually , praising me, communing with me, hearing my voice, worshipping me, glorifying me and walking in the light. And your days of dryness, burrenness, unfruitfulness and strife are over. For I will cause you to SEEK the Lord early and empower you to remain spiritually awake till Christ’s return. I will cause you to walk with me as the Bride of Christ and empower you to partake of the rapture as the scriptures say! Says the Spirit of the Lord God Almighty.