Giving Towards Spreading of The Gospel
-The Kingdom Key to Divine Prosperity
‘I thank you Father in heaven for Jesus Christ your Son who accomplished all at the cross for those who believe; and for the Holy Spirit your promise to all who have believed in Christ- for it is through the enablement of your Holy Spirit that we who believe, partake of the kingdom promises of good health, salvation, victory over poverty and debts and moreover laying hold of eternal life.’
A heart of giving is a heart that trembles at God’s presence in reverence of Him. A heart that gives freely knows and understands who God is and how He is like. The Scriptures tell us that God loves a cheerful giver! (2 Corinthians 9:7)
Giving is a virtue of those who are born again. It is a virtue that ought to be realized, nurtured to maturity with the help of the Holy Spirit. No one can ever out give God. (John 3:16)
God is a giver and Satan is just the opposite – a thief who has nothing of his own. (John 10:10) Those bound by Satan are under curses of poverty. Poverty wholly relies upon meanness to thrive; that is, when you give, you prove to be generous and poverty loses its bondage on you.
Proverbs says there is one who withholds unnecessarily yet ends in poverty and there is one who gives and it yields to prosperity! (Proverbs 11:24). What I am about to reveal to you through the Holy Spirit will amaze you! This giving is towards the spreading of the Gospel (2 Corinthians 9:14). That through your giving, the ministry of advancing the Kingdom of God will flourish.
It is a demonic principle, a poverty mentality to withhold tithes and offerings in support of spreading the Gospel. Satan knows that a poverty-stricken church will be limited in reaching out to lost souls with the Gospel messages – through this the scope of spreading the Gospel is hampered.
I have faith that the Lord, by His Holy Spirit will impart in you the burden of giving towards the spreading of the Gospel to those that do not know Christ as their Lord and Saviour. And as you obey the Lord to set aside your tithes-10% of your earnings and offerings to support those who spread the Gospel, God will open doors of prosperity before you and prosper you (Malachi 3:8,9,10,11,12).
Honour The Lord with Your Money
Every increase of your earnings, the Lord requires of you to set aside a portion of it to spread the Gospel (Proverbs 3: 9,10). DO NOT EAT ALL, ELSE YOU ARE CURSED. This is the kingdom principle so that those who fear the Lord will not be puffed up and forget the Lord saying in their heart, ‘ my own efforts have earned this’(Luke 12:20). Whoever tithes and gives offerings to those who spread the Gospel honours the Lord and possesses the blessings of the Kingdom of heaven.
Will The Lord Accept Your Offering?
God rejected Cain’s offering because it was not offered by faith (Genesis 4:3-5). That is, Cain did not take time to hear from the Lord what the Lord expected him to bring as an offering. God is concerned about you obeying Him in your giving of offerings and tithes- where and when to give them; rather than what you are thinking to give towards spreading the Gospel(1 Samuel 15:22). May the Lord remove the hardness of our hearts towards giving so that we may participate in giving our tithes and offering in support of spreading the Gospel.
Mend Your Heart First Before You Give Your Offering
Much of giving is religious practise, a men’s service, to be seen and applauded, but it never touches God. It is not done through faith. Many do not hear from the Lord what to give to support the spreading of the Gospel to the lost souls. To some, giving is a routine practice, fleshly, earthly, an act of intellect, carnal. Giving ought to be a form of worship – repent, pray, seek the Lord’s face before you give. Some give grudgingly, complaining and with bitterness. Such type of giving does not please God (Matthew 5:24) . We do not give out of coercion for a need presented, we give as we are convicted by the Holy Spirit to give freely, generously & willingly: Giving as unto the Lord and not to men. (Matthew 6:1-4)
God’s Strategy for Your Giving
God has a strategy where you ought to take your tithes and offerings- to that ministry or preacher of the Gospel who nourishes you spiritually, that is who feeds you spiritually, where your spiritual needs are met, where you get strengthened in the spiritual walk with the Lord (Genesis 14:18-20).
In conclusion, let us change our attitude and traditional (religious) mindsets towards giving to those who spread the Gospel. Repent of not giving to support the spreading of the Gospel and change your ways. Plead with the Lord to give you a burden to support the spreading of the Gospel.
Start learning to give step by step – start small and grow in this grace of giving. Remember no one ever out-gives God; that is God is the greatest giver!
Let us learn to give cheerfully, joyfully knowing that we are imitating God who is a giver.
Mend your heart first even before you go to a prayer service and give your offering. God values your heart more than the offering you intend to give- and will He not put on your hands what to give to His work for the purpose of spreading the Gospel as long as your heart is upright before Him?
Therefore learn to listen to the word being preached before you decide what to give- it is a spiritual service to the Lord! I find that after attending a revival meeting of praying and worshipping the Lord in spirit, I am able to hear clearly what the Lord is telling me to put aside for spreading the Gospel and where to take it and give in honour of Him. If only you only desire to give, God will put on your hands an offering! (
This is the key to prosperity –the Kingdom way as the Lord devised it.